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Scripture Verses

Acts 6, 7 & 8; 1 Corinthians 1:21-25; Ephesians 3:1-12; 1 Peter 1:3-8

Worship Playlist

  • This is Amazing Grace - Phil Wickham
  • Jesus Messiah - Chris Tomlin
  • New Wine - Hill Song

Study Questions

  1. What's the most dramatic conversion you've been a witness to? What made it so?
  2. Read Acts 9:1-19. Describe the pre-conversion Saul according to Acts 7:58-8:3 and 9:1-2.
  3. Luke includes Saul's conversion three times in the book of Acts. (Read Acts 22:1 and 26:9-23.) How are the additional accounts helpful?
  4. Describe Saul's experience. How was he affected emotionally, spiritually, physically, and socially in his encounter with Jesus?
  5. How did God plan to use Saul (See Acts 9:13-16)? How do you think people responded to Saul though this great change?
  6. Have you placed your trust in Christ? How did your conversion compare or contrast with Saul's? How are you continuing to experience the grace of God in your life as Saul did?
Downloads & Resources

Stephen's Legacy

Dr. Jon Morrissette - 3/3/2024