Scripture Verses

Romans 5:12-21

Study Questions

  1. Describe a time when you earned punishment for breaking a rule? Share a time when you received an unplanned, undeserved gift?
  2. Read Romans 5:11-21. What are some of the negative things the first Adam earned for mankind? What did Jesus, the second Adam, bring? Why does anyone choose the things the first Adam offers?
  3. Romans 6:23 is often illustrated as a bottomless chasm between two cliffs. One cliff is labeled “the wages of sin is death” and the other “the gift of God is eternal life”. Why can’t we build our own bridge across? How did Jesus, the second Adam, make a way for us to receive the gift?
  4. Read John 4:6-15. What was the woman’s greatest need? Why do you think she didn’t realize her need for this gift? What did the woman do with the gift once she had received it (4:39-42)?
  5. Write out a thank you note to God for his indescribable gift and share with your group. Who do you know who needs this gift, but isn't even looking for it? What can you do? How can you pray for them?

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How Jesus Reverses the "Curse"

Dr. Jon Morrissette - 2/19/2017