Inner City Mission provides shelter, sustenance, education and Christian counseling to homeless children, their parents and single women all while teaching Biblical truths about godly righteousness to residents.
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Lake Springfield Christian Assembly provides quality Christian camp programming to help people of all ages encounter, embrace, and engage the gospel message of Christ.
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Christian Student Fellowship is a campus ministry at the University of Illinois Springfield that exists to help students find their way back to God. Their vision is to see students mobilized to be disciples who make disciples while on campus and for the rest of their lives.
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Myanmar Hope Christian Mission's vision is to bring the eternal hope of Jesus to the people of Myanmar through addressing the spiritual, physical, emotional, and educational needs of their community. Among many other community projects, Myanmar Hope operates a boarding school for disadvantaged children, equips church leaders, and organizes regional church conferences.
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Pioneer Bible Translators is a mission that works to make the Bible accessible to the multitude of people groups around the world who need the Bible translated to their heart languages.
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Taking Christ to Millions Institute's mission and vision is to provide graduate level education to national Christian leaders so that every nation will have effective leaders of disciple-making movements, impacting their churches, cultures, and countries for Christ.
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Lee School is a public school in Springfield with which Lakeside is able to partner. Lakeside provides mentoring programs, classroom support, and teacher/relational engagement at this wonderfully unique school!
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Direction Church in Des Moines, Iowa is a church plant led by minister Patrick Willis. Pray for this new body of believers...and consider a weekend in Des Moines where you could greet them in person. Check out Direction's Facebook page to see what they have been up to. Lakeside is a monthly supporter of Direction Church.
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Ozark Christian College & Lincoln Seminary is located in Joplin, Missouri. The mission is to train men and women for Christian service as a degree-granting institution of biblical higher education. The vision is to glorify God by evangelizing the lost and edifying Christians worldwide.
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