Scripture Verses

Ecclesiastes 3, 5; Psalm 146; Proverbs 31:8-9; Matthews25:32-40; James 1:27; Jonah 3:4

Study Questions

  1. What injustice do you most notice in our world or are you most sensitive to or are you most concerned about?
  2. How did you do on the commitment you made in the last lesson to align yourself with God's priorities?
  3. Read and briefly summarize what the author says about "justice" in Ecclesiastes 3:15-4:4 and 5:8-9.
  4. What is God's attitude toward the oppressed according to Isaiah 10:1-4, Habakkuk 2:6-14 and James 5:1-6?
  5. How does being a follower of Jesus affect the way you view injustice and respond to others with compassion?
  6. What is something specific and measurable you can do this week to align yourself with God's sense of justice?
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Meaning Full Justice

Samuel Nassiff - 10/13/2024