Scripture Verses

Romans 8:26-39

Study Questions

  1. When have you experienced a tough victory in life? What good comes from knowing you can win through difficult situations?
  2. Read Romans 8:26-30. What is the good news in this passage? How might verse 28 be misused?
  3. Read Romans 8:31-39. What do you think Paul was doing with all these questions? What opposition to your faith do you most feel these days? How would you ask your group members to pray for you as you attempt to follow Jesus through difficulties and opposition?
  4. Read John 16:31-33. How does Christ's victory give you peace in the midst of your tribulations? Where do you most need peace this week?
  5. Read Ephesians 6:10-20. Why are these pieces of armor so important if we are to be more than conquerors? What happens if we leave off a piece of armor? Use part of your group time to pray for fellow believers you know who are in a battle to overcome (verse 18). Use this passage to help you form your prayer for them.
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More than Conquerors in Jesus

Dr. Jon Morrissette - 4/2/2017