Scripture Verses

Matthew 6:1-4, Matthew 6:5-8, Matthew 6:16-18, 2 Timothy 3:1-5, 1 Corinthians 7:33-34, Matthew 6:8-15

Study Questions

  1. Have you ever felt like, acted like, or been called a religious hypocrite, show-off, pretender, phony, or faker? What leads us to act this way? What’s the harm?
  2. Read Matthew 6:1-18, Mark 12:41-44, and Luke 19:9-14. Why do you think Jesus is so concerned with our motives? How would you differentiate between the two types of rewards of which Jesus speaks? Why is secrecy such a strong antidote to hypocrisy?
  3. Read 2 Timothy 3:1-9. What is the heart condition of the people described in this passage? What’s the use of having the “form of godliness without its power?” What do hypocrites do with the truth?
  4. Jesus called hypocritical religious leaders white washed tombs, snakes, brood of vipers, wolves in sheep’s clothing, etc. In Matthew 23 Jesus lists seven woes against them. Why is Jesus so concerned about religious people with improper motives? How might hypocritical behavior affect the ministry of Lakeside?
  5. What do you think is the progression from earnestly following Jesus to becoming a hypocrite? Why are we so susceptible? Who in your circle is most likely to see your hypocrisy first?
  6. Give without fanfare. Pray without pride. Fast without notice. Use secrecy this week to guard against improper motives as you do good deeds on behalf of your Father. Do these for the glory of God alone, for an audience of one.


For an expanded treatment of the Lord's Prayer, check out the series "Lord Teach Us to Pray."  Here are the links:

Pray... Our Father (Jun 23, 2014)
Pray... Your Kingdom (Jun 29, 2014)
Pray... Give Us (Jul 6, 2014)
Pray... Forgive Us (Jul 13, 2014)
Pray... Lead Us (Jul 20, 2014)
Pray... To Know God (Jul 27, 2014)

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Dr. Jon Morrissette - 2/25/2018