Scripture Verses

1 Peter 3:18-4:6, Romans 6:3-10, Hebrews 11:7

Worship Playlist

Faithful to the End by Bethel Music

Behold the Lamb by Passion

This I Believe by Hillsong

Christ Be Magnified by Cody

Study Questions

  1. Why is it so difficult to reject human desires and stay aligned with God's kingdom?
  2. What is the understanding in 1 Peter 4:1-6 with which we must arm ourselves?
  3. How does loyalty to God impact your relationships?
  4. Read 1 John 3:23-24. How do we show we are in true allegiance with God? Are there any areas where your loyalty to God is questionable? 


Read and reread 1 Peter each week over this sermon series. One of the shorter books of the Bible, it takes just 16 minutes to read. The full text is in your Stand Firm sermon series booklet. You can also read it or listen to it read in various translations at 

Stand Firm In True Allegiance to Christ

Dr. Jon Morrissette - 11/15/2020
1 Peter  Baptism  Bodily Resurrection  Gospel  Jesus-Resurrection  Noah  Suffering