Scripture Verses

1 Peter 5:1-5; Matthew 20:25-28; Romans 12:10; Luke 19:27-29

Worship Playlist

All Creatures of Our God and King by Sovereign Grace

Be Still by Hillsong

Peace on Earth by Paul Baloche

All the Poor and Powerless by The Digital Age

Study Questions

  1. Why does power tend to corrupt us? Where do you see power struggles in our world?
  2. How do we learn to clothe ourselves with humility?
  3. Who is in a good postion to inform you of areas where you lack humility?
  4. Read 1 Peter 5:5-7. How does this passage motivate you toward self-sacrificing humility?

Apply It!

Read and reread 1 Peter each week over this sermon series. One of the shorter books of the Bible, it takes just 16 minutes to read. The full text is in your Stand Firm sermon series booklet. You can also read it or listen to it read in various translations at 

Stand Firm with the Help of Godly Leaders

Dr. Jon Morrissette - 12/6/2020
1 Peter  Eldership  Pastor  Protect