Scripture Verses

Romans 6:9-23

Study Questions

  1. Share about a time when you were under the authority of someone who didn’t care about you. Share about being under the authority of someone who cared for you and had your best interests at heart.
  2. Read Romans 6:9-23. As you read through this passage, how does Paul compare being under the authority of sin to being under the authority of God? How does baptism illustrate this change of authority?
  3. Read Romans 6:6-14 again. What is our new attitude toward sin to be? Why do you think Christians still struggle with sin? How do we get away from our old master, sin, and become servants of righteousness (Romans 6:16-19)?
  4. Read Galatians 3:16-26. How does the Holy Spirit help us in our struggle with sin? What does it mean to “walk by the Spirit” or to “keep in step with the Spirit?”
  5. Baptism can be considered as a sign of “new ownership.” How is new ownership changing your life? How are you allowing God to use you as His instrument of righteousness? How can we encourage each other to be better slaves to God?

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The Pledge of Baptism

Dr. Jon Morrissette - 3/5/2017