Scripture Verses

Acts 16:1-10; 1:4-8; Galatians 5:16-25; Hebrews 4:12-13; Ephesians 5:15-21

Study Questions

1. When have you encountered something that detoured you from a goal or ruined your plans? How did you get back on track?

2. How did you do on the commitment you made last week as you continue to allow scripture to transform you?

3. Read Acts 16:6-40 together and then choose a volunteer to summarize in a minute or less. Others in the group may add anything missed.

4. In Acts 16:6-10, what did the Holy Spirit do? How did Paul respond? What were the results in the rest of the chapter? What might have been the consequences if Paul had ignored God’s call to Macedonia?

5. When do you see the Spirit working today in your life? How do you increase your sensitivity to the Spirit’s leading?

6. Is there a person or task to whom God is calling you? What steps do you need to take for immediate and unreserved obedience?

7. What is something specific and measurable you can do this week to align yourself with the priorities found in this section of God's Word?

Downloads & Resources

Unfinished: The Drawing Power of the Holy Spirit

Dr. Jon Morrissette - 2/16/2025