Scripture Verses

Acts 17; Romans 10:8-17

Study Questions

1. When have you had to change your approach when trying to reason with someone?

2. How did you do on the commitment you made last week as you continue to allow scripture to transform you?

3. Read Acts 17:10-34 together and then choose a volunteer to summarize in a minute or less. Others in the group may add anything missed.

4. How does Paul typically share the gospel to the Jews (17:1-5)? How did he share differently with the Gentiles (17:16-34)? What results did he get from each?

5. How does Paul engage the culture (17:16-36)? How do we engage our culture?

6. What do we learn from Paul’s different approaches that we can apply to our efforts to share the good news? What is the danger of changing our approach to fit the audience?

7. What is something specific and measurable you can do this week to align yourself with the priorities found in this section of God's Word?

Downloads & Resources

Unfinished: How to Reach People Far from God

Dr. Jon Morrissette - 3/9/2025