Scripture Verses

2 Corinthians 1:3-4, Luke 15

Study Questions

  1. Why is my story so important to God’s mission? Use the four questions below to help form your story.
  2. What was I like before I became a Christian? 
  3. What happened that opened my eyes to the Lord?
  4. How did I become a Christian?
  5. What has Christ done or what is He doing in my life right now? 
  6. Reflect on this week’s sermon. How were you challenged and/or encouraged to share your story?

Questions from the GROW lesson. Read Hebrews 10:24-25.

  1. What do these verses tell us about the role of community in our spiritual growth?
  2. The words “one another” occur twice in this passage and are sprinkled throughout the New Testament. Use a Bible app or online version to find other “one another” references. Why are there so many of these? What does this tell us about how we are to walk with Jesus?
  3. Who spurs you on to love and good deeds? If you don’t have someone in your life who does that, pray about finding someone you can encourage, and who will be an encouragement to you.
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Dr. Jon Morrissette - 10/2/2016