Lakeside Online Groups & Classes

Missing your Lakeside friends? Join an Online Group. Starting this May 10th our groups will be going online through Zoom so you can see and hear each other and encourage one another in Christ. On May 17th our classes for adults will go online.

Our Online Group opportunities are listed for you at Choose a group from the menu and we’ll be sure you get connected. If you are already part of a group or joining one for the first time, your group leader will send you an email with and invitation to your Zoom group meeting.

If you have been attending our Faithweavers Class (9:00 am), True Believers (10:30 am), or Young Bereans (10:30 am) classes you will receive an email invitation for your online class before Sunday, May 17th. If you would like to join one of these classes, connect with or let us know during the online service chat by typing “interested in an online class”.

Give an online group and/or class a try!