Fall Groups at Lakeside 2020

Groups are a great way to become part of community at Lakeside while digging deeper into God’s Word. This fall we are planning to offer three options for participants.

1. The first option will be our regular Sermon-Based Groups offered throughout the week. For these groups you will have weekly sermon to listen to and study guide questions to complete each week before meeting to discuss, encourage, and sharpen one another. This fall we will be in the New Testament book of 1 Peter with a sermon series called, “Stand Firm”.

2. The second option is a Sermon-Based Triad Group. These are groups of three to six which can meet before work, after the kids are in bed, or possibly over lunch. Triad Groups can be formed of couples, men only, or women only who meet to discuss through our “Stand Firm” study guide. Meeting with even a small group of believers is a great way to continue to grow your faith in these hectic times. If you would like to start a Triad Group, gather your group and let us know of your plans at Jay@lakesidechristian.com

3. The third option is a new type of group to Lakeside called Rooted Groups. Rooted Groups are a great way for new or long-time believers to ground your faith on God’s Word. These groups entail the purchase of a workbook, commitments for daily study, a regular participation commitment, and some “outside-the-regular-group-meeting-time” events. Early this year the Lakeside staff participated in a Rooted Group and we all agreed that you should have the opportunity as well. We think every follower of Christ would greatly benefit from a Rooted Group.

Groups will start up the week of September 13th so you need to sign up on our website in the next couple of weeks. As we meet in groups, we want to do so carefully as we continue to deal with COVID-19. At this point, we do not have children’s programming in place for fall, so our groups with young children will have to find creative ways to adapt. Some groups may plan to meet via Zoom. Some may meet with men and women separately or in Triad Groups. Some of our usual sermon-based group leaders will be leading a Rooted group this fall instead of their typical sermon-based group.

Our list of current group offerings is available on our website to help you make your decisions for fall. Go to Lakesidechristian.com/Groups and click on "Search" to see the list. If you have questions, contact Jay Brooks at 529-2513 or Jay@lakesidechristian.com.