Scripture Verses

John 9:1-41: Luke 13:3-5

Worship Playlist

Here I Am to Worship by Tim Hughes

Be Thou My Vision w/ More Precious than Silver by Shane & Shane

Please Speak by Aaron Niequist

Your Glory w/ Nothing but the Blood by All Sons & Daughters

Scandal of Grace by Hillsong

Christ Will Shine by Eric Radecki

Study Questions

  1. If you could perform any of the signs that Jesus did, which would you choose and why? How must the disciples in the book of Acts felt when they were able to perform miracles?
  2. In a sixth sign performed by Jesus, a blind man is healed and a conversation about sin arises. How did many people of Jesus' day view the relationship between sickness and sin? When have you heard this from people in our day? What is Jesus' view?
  3. In his second "I Am" statement in the gospel of John (8:12), Jesus claims to be the Light of the World. How does this spiritual claim pair up with the sign of the physical healing of the blind man?
  4. Why was Jesus so "hands-on" in this healing as compared to previous signs he worked?
  5. How did the Pharisees respond to this miracle? What emotions do you imagine this man must have had through this chapter? Why did Jesus seek him out a second time?
  6. The Pharisees had a stubborn spiritual blindness. What principles in this chapter could help us improve our spiritual eyesight?


Dr. Jon Morrissette - 3/27/2022