Jesus could have leaned into his divinity, and commanded legions of angels, to bring societal transformation. He could have launched a revolution, overthrown Caesar, and seized political control over the Roman empire. He could have usurped the High Priest in Jerusalem, and the religious class, and taken control of the temple. He could have leaned into his personal charisma, his popularity, & his own power. He could have seduced the crowds with on-demand miracles, free bread and fish, inspirational talks, and non-stop entertainment.
But his tactic was personal relationships. He chose to invest deeply--first in a few, and it grew from there. Yes he spoke to power. Yes he had sharp words for the political and religious leaders of his day. Yes he cleansed the temple, performed signs and wonders, and inspired masses. But his go-to tactic was to let the kingdom grow organically, from just a few relationships, to twelve, to seventy, to 500...
What if, like Jesus, we invested in just a few people (maybe 1 or 2), and leaned deeper into ordinary, everyday relationships, to change our world? Jesus' first relationships were with Simon, James and John. They were just fishermen! What did Jesus do with these guys? Supposing you know a few people, and wanted to invest deeply in them like Jesus, what things might you do? In Jesus' life we can identify five areas of deepening investment in disciple's life:
1. Show them how to succeed in life.
I mentioned Peter, James and John were fishermen. This wasn't their hobby, it was their livelihood, they were commercial fishermen, they had a significant operation with boats, nets, and hired men. It was multigenerational. They worked w/fathers. One of the ways Jesus connected with these men was to help them prosper.
Once when they were fishing (Luke 4), Jesus told them to "push out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch." They'd been fishing all night, and hadn't caught anything, but agreed. They caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. They even had to signal for their partners in another boat to come help. Both boats were so full they began to sink! Peter fell at Jesus' knees. James and John were astonished, afraid. That day they left everything (boats and all) to follow Jesus.
Another time a tax collector showed up to collect taxes (Mt 17). Jesus told Peter to go throw out a line, take the first fish he caught, open its mouth, and take the four-drachma coin he'd find and pay his taxes. Some would say that's crazy. There's no money to be found in a fish's mouth! Don't tell Tony Waters, or those Pro Bass guys. They've pulled hundreds of thousands of dollars out of fish's mouths.
If you help a person succeed in life you'll win them for life. Now when Jesus helped people succeed, he helped them see there was something greater at stake. Fishing for perch was good, but they could be fishers of men. There was meaning and dignity in their work. But they could use their wealth, their influence, their connections, youth/energy, their hard work ethic... to serve God.
If you want to disciple someone, first help them succeed. Are you a nurse? Pour yourself into that that new recruit. Are you into construction? Teach a man your trade. Do you manage a restaurant? Help others succeed like you. Know English? Students are eager to find language mentors. Add value to everyone around you. Don't be threatened. Share knowledge, trade, skills, secrets, know-how.
2. Show them how to fortify the family.
Another huge point of investment is family. The majority of couples are struggling in their marriages, if they're married at all. The majority of parents feel overwhelmed. More often than not, it's men who neglect their family' obligations. It's the men who step away, who become emotionally detached, or skip out of town, leaving all responsibility to mother.
What would it look like for us to come alongside these marriages, these moms and dads? One of the signs of the coming of the messiah (Jesus) was that God would turn the heart of fathers back to their sons, and sons back to their fathers (Mal 4:6). Jesus elevated the sanctity of marriage in his divorce-happy culture. Jesus championed sexual purity, teaching men to first guard hearts and eyes. Jesus elevated the value children, reminding people of the severe spiritual repercussions that would befall anyone harming a child, abandoning a child, or teaching a child to sin.
If you want to disciple someone, help their family succeed. Families are under such severe strain. Once Simon's mother-in-law had a severe fever. Jesus went to her home and healed her. How can you bring healing to a marriage, mom/dad, a child's life, or a home? Become an encourager, an agent of healing & reconciliation.
3. Show them how to walk in the Spirit.
Another huge point of investment is Spiritual life. I don't have to tell you, everyone is all about life change. I was at Barnes and Noble this week and noticed a brand new book section labeled "Self-Transformation." The truth is that most people have resigned themselves to the status quo of the flesh. In the book, War of Art, Steven Pressfield offers a list of those activities that most commonly elicit what he calls "Resistance"
The pursuit of any calling in writing, painting, music, film, dance, or any creative art, however marginal or unconventional.
The launching of any entrepreneurial venture or enterprise, for profit or otherwise.
Any diet or health regimen.
Any program of spiritual advancement.
Any activity whose aim is tighter abdominals.
Any course or program designed to overcome an unwholesome habit or addiction.
Education of every kind.
Any act of political, moral, or ethical courage, including the decision to change for the better some unworthy pattern of thought or conduct in ourselves.
The undertaking of any enterprise or endeavor whose aim is to help others.
Any act that entails commitment of the heart. The decision to get married, to have a child, to weather a rocky patch in a relationship.
The taking of any principled stand in the face of adversity. In other words, any act that rejects immediate gratification in favor of long-term growth, health, or integrity. Or, expressed another way, any act that derives from our higher nature instead of our lower. Any of these will elicit Resistance.
When Jesus filled Simon's boat with fish he told Jesus, "Go away from me Lord, I'm a sinful man." In other words, I can't be that guy. I can't be that holy person. I won't ever feel forgiven. I can't break free from this pattern of sin. I can't silence these thoughts. I can't suppress these hungers, cravings and desires.
The truth is that there is no such thing as "self-transformation." The closest you'll see is "self-tweaking." No twerking. Tweaking! You can improve yourself "a little." But to be changed we need the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. The Bible says, "walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh." (Galatians 5:16-17)
Jesus message to the disciples was they needed the Spirit-transformation, and that he would send his Holy Spirit to take up residence in their body. And the Spirit would give them a new heart and a new mind.
If you want to disciple someone, help them walk in the Spirit. Show them what love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness exists in your life. Profess how God's Spirit has driven away your sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery, idolatry, witchcraft (if that was your thing), hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissension, envy, drunkenness, party lifestyle...
4. Show them how to trust Father/Son.
Jesus taught his disciples how to trust the Father. To help a person trust the Father you have to take them deep into the Word of God. Show them that God is creator. Show them all of God's promises, and his covenants, and his track-record of faithfulness. Show them God's loving concern for his people, for the nations, for the redemption. Show them the mighty acts, the signs and wonders, the salvation history of God.
Help them understand God's purpose throughout the ages... to be the one who both justifies and sanctifies us. By the blood of Jesus, God offers his own righteousness to us, so we don't have to keep justifying our own sin. By his Spirit, God offers true sanctification to us, that we can be set free from the power of sin and become holy. By Jesus own death, burial, and resurrection on the third day Jesus offers us victory of the power of sin and death. We can trust Father in life and death.
Hey, if you've helped a person succeed in life, succeed in their family, gain victory know they can have victory over their flesh. . . believe me they will be eager to hear and trust all that God has to say to them through his Word. But you see, we have to get into that deeper relational space. No shortcuts.
5. Show them how to build the Kingdom/ Church.
As this new political season gets underway, people have hunger for that larger "societal" transformation. In time, we need invite people to experience build up the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom is society we truly long for... JOHN 13. How would society change if we all learned to wash one another's feet? Read Acts 2:42-46.