Scripture Verses

Galatians 3:1-9; Hebrews 9:27; Genesis 12:1-3; Romans 4:18-24

Worship Playlist

Tremble by Mosaic MSC

What a Beautiful Name by Hillsong

Spirit of the Living God by Vertical Worship

Run to the Father by Cody Carnes

Study Questions

1. Why do you think Paul uses the Greek word for ‘faith’ seven times in this short passage? How were the Galatians being so foolish?

2. Why would anyone switch from being saved by the Spirit to depending on human effort (vs.3)?

3. Why do you think Paul brings up Abraham in this passage and why is Abraham so important to us today?

4. Read Acts 2. What do you learn about faith and belief and salvation?

5. Reflect on God’s goodness and the importance of your faith in Him. Ask Him to guard you from foolishly depending on your own law-keeping for salvation.

Freedom from Works

Dr. Jon Morrissette - 2/7/2021