Scripture Verses

John 3:16; 4:43-5:39; 11:25; 20:29.

Worship Playlist

Awake My Soul by Hillsong

No Fear by Kari Jobe

Please Speak by Aaron Niequist

Death Was Arrested by North Point

Study Questions

  1. If you have witnessed a miraculous or unexplainable healing, share about it with your group. Do you think God still does miracles?
  2. In what mindset do you think the official set out on his fifteen-mile journey to meet Jesus, and what was his mindset on the trip home? Why do you think Jesus healed this way this time?
  3. Jesus performs a third sign in John's gospel (5:9-16) when he heals the man with paralysis by the pool. What was this man's attitude before and after the healing? What do you think was behind the complaint of the Jews in 5: 9-16? When have you seen a tradition or rule created by men get in the way of God's work?
  4. How would you summarize Jesus' teaching on life and judgment in John 5:19-30? When we believe on Jesus, in what way does our identity and destiny change?
  5. Make a list of areas in your life that need Jesus' healing power. Talk to him about these and believe. Consider memorizing John 5:24.

Healing Power

Dr. Jon Morrissette - 2/13/2022