Scripture Verses

Matthew 25

Worship Playlist

  • This is Amazing Grace - Phil Wickham
  • Come Thou Fount
  • Build My Life - Pat Barrett 
  • Faithful to the End - Bethel 

Study Questions

  1. What most inspired you about the story of First Christian Church in Decatur?
  2. Read Matthew 5:13-16 and 1 Peter 2:12. What is a positive outcome of loving our city well?
  3. Read Jeremiah 29:4-7. What do you think it was like for the exiled Jews to live in Babylon? What was the Lord's advice about being God's people in a hostile place? 
  4. Read Acts 4:27-31. What danger did the Early Church face? What danger does the church today face? 
  5. Read Acts 4:32-37. How did the Early Church respond to their environment? What can a church like Lakeside learn from the Early Church?
  6. Read 1 Peter 2:11, Philippians 3:20, and Hebrews 13:14. What perspective should we have about where we are living? How might this perspective be helpful to believers?


Make plans to attend the Intentional Church Conference at Wayne's church, First Christian Church, Decatur IL April 6.

Downloads & Resources

Loving Your City

Wayne Kent - 3/10/2019