Scripture Verses

Matthew 5:27-32, John 3:3-10, 1 John 1:7-9, 1 Corinthians 6:18-20, 2 Timothy 2:22, Galatians 5:16-25, Psalm 51

Worship Playlist

  • The Lion and the Lamb - Bethel
  • Holy Spirit - Bryan and Katie Torwalt
  • Brokenness Aside - All Sons and Daughters 
  • Forever Reign - Hillsong 
  • King of my Heart - Bethel
  • Lakeside Worship Playlist

Study Questions

  1. What are some examples of people or groups who have been totally surrendered to a purpose or a cause? What qualities or characteristics did you note?
  2. Read Matthew 5:27-32. Why does Jesus go beyond the law to the inner attitude of lust? Why is sexual sin such a big deal?
  3. Read 2 Samuel 11. What is David's mindset? What are some of the results of one man acting on his lusts? Read Psalm 51. What is David's mindset here? What is he wanting God to do in his life?
  4. Read 1 John 1:7-9. Why is confession so important in the area of sexual sin? What does God promise to do when we confess our sin?
  5. Read 1 Corinthians 6:18-20. Why the strong language "flee?" What does this mean? Practically speaking, what does it look like to "flee" temptation today? How does our response to temptation affect our relationship with the Holy Spirit.
  6. What does surrender look like in this area of sexuality today? How can we create a safer space for confession? How can we help one another grow in this important area?
  7. What spiritual disciplines might help you cooperate with the Holy Spirit in your fight for sexual purity?  Read | Study | Memorize | Prayer | Solitude | Retreat | Service    Where will you start this week?

Apply It!

CHALLENGE: Prayer of Confession

God, I know that I fill the voids in my life with things that are not of you. I can take the parts of life that you intended for good and twist them into bad. I pray for healing in the way that I have made sexuality into something it's not. I pray for deep comfort. I pray that you will restore what has been stolen or broken. God, I know that you heal the past, lead the present, and give hope for tomorrow. What seems hopelessly shattered, in you can be redeemed. Where there is shame and self-loathing, God, restore dignity, self-acceptance, and a knowledge of me as your beloved child.


Celebration of Discipline | Richard Foster 

Renovation of the Heart  | Dallas Willard 

You and Me Forever: Marriage in Light of Eternity | Francis Chan

For Men Only | Shaunti & Jeff Feldman

For Women Only |  Shaunti Feldman

Marriage | Focus on the Family Article 

Sex, Marriage, & Fairytales | Spoken Word

Downloads & Resources

Our Sexuality

Dr. Jon Morrissette - 2/4/2018