Scripture Verses

Galatians 1:10; 2:20; 6:11-18; Luke 22:42-44, 53; Romans 12:1-3; Matthew 5:10-12

Worship Playlist

Holy Ground by Passion

Hosanna (Praise Is Rising) by Paul Baloche

Whole Heart (Good Intentions) by Passion

Study Questions

1. Of all the things he might boast of having done, why does Paul boast only in the cross?

2. Some religious leaders preaching a perverted gospel were stressing circumcision, an Old Testament rite, as something to boast in. What false things might we be tempted to boast in today?

3. How is it that an instrument of cruelty and death has become a thing of boasting and beauty to Paul?

4. Read Colossians 1:3-23. What themes from Galatians do you see repeated here? What do you read about the centrality of the cross?

5. From our study of Galatians, reflect on all the things that crush our souls as well as all the soul enlivening freedoms we have in Christ. Write out a prayer of thanksgiving as you dedicate yourself to living in the freedom of Christ. Share with your group.

The Life-Giving Cross

Dr. Jon Morrissette - 3/28/2021