Scripture Verses

Acts 2; Genesis 11

Study Questions

  1. Share a time when you had to step up and take charge of a chaotic situation. How did people react or respond?
  2. Read Acts 2:14-41. Once again, Peter drew upon the Old Testament Scriptures as he spoke. What message did the book of Joel have for the bewildered crowd?
  3. How did Peter explain the amazing events that were taking place on that day?
  4. How are these events, and Peter's message, consistent with Luke's purpose of reassuring Theophilus about his faith (Luke 1:3-4; Acts 1:1)?
  5. In Acts 2:29-36, how does Peter make the case for Jesus being both Lord and Messiah? How did the people respond (2:37-44)?
  6. What if you were called to share the Good News? What main points would you include?

Hear + Believe + Obey

Dr. Jon Morrissette - 1/28/2024