Scripture Verses

Genesis 1:1-3; Luke 1:1, 15-17, 31-33; 2:2-13, 25-32; 4:17-21; 11:9-13; 24:30-32, 49; Acts 1:4-5,16; Jeremiah 31:33-34; Ezekiel 30:24-28

Study Questions

  1. When have you experienced a language barrier? How did it make you feel?
  2. Read Acts 2:1-13. Describe what happened. What were the different reactions to the events? How did the Jews respond to the power of the Holy Spirit that they witnessed?
  3. Why does Luke emphasize the description of the crowd? Why is it so important for people to hear God's Word in their own heart language? Pray for the ministry of Pioneer Bible Translators and thank God for the new Toma translation project our brothers and sisters in West Africa are using.
  4. How does being filled with the Spirit relate to bearing witness to Jesus?
  5. When have you experienced an empowering from God to witness about Jesus? What could you do this week to be better prepared for God's use?
  6. What difference would it make if the Holy Spirit were removed from a church like Lakeside?

Holy Spirit Power

Dr. Jon Morrissette - 1/21/2024