Scripture Verses

Luke 10-18; Deuteronomy 10:18019, 23:7, 24:14; Leviticus 19:32-34

Study Questions

  1. What was one of the best parties or joy filled occasions you have been a part of? What made it so good?
  2. The concept of joy is expressed many times in Luke with the words "joy," "rejoice," "blessed," "praise," "peace," and "glorify." Read Luke 10-18 and note the things that bring joy.
  3. Read Luke 15. What seems to prompt Jesus' parables of the lost sheep, coin, and son? What is common among the three parables? How is the parable of the lost son different from the first two? What do you learn about God from these parables?
  4. Why do you think the rejoicing nature of God is foreign and offensive to some religious people?
  5. If our God is a "Party God"--one who finds joy in seeking and saving the lost--how do we join the party? How do you rejoice in your salvation? How do you rejoice at others being found? How can you help that to happen?
  6. Read Hebrews 12:2. What role did joy play in Jesus' sacrifice? How can you make the joy of the Lord your strength? How can you depend on joy as a strategy to endure?

Jesus on Mission: Party God

Dr. Jon Morrissette - 10/22/2023