Scripture Verses

Luke 9-18, James 4:1-2; Romans 12:9-21

Study Questions

  1. What is one of your favorite storybooks from childhood? Why did it resonate with you so well?
  2. Read Luke10-18. Why did the greatest teacher ever use so many parables? List the parables in Luke 10-18 and the point Jesus was making in each. What is Jesus' overall message through these parables?
  3. In Luke 18, as Jesus begins to make his way toward his cross in Jerusalem, he teaches through a widow's story, a praying tax collector, little children, and a blind beggar.  Why were they so important to Jesus? How can you introduce someone on the margins of society to Jesus?
  4. Jesus typically ended each parable with a call to action. What is one of the parables above that you need to hear well? What is your call to action from the greatest teacher ever?
  5. In addition to parables, Jesus taught with hyperbole, memorable sayings, direct questions, and repetition. Find and share an example of each with your group

Jesus on Mission: Teacher

Dr. Jon Morrissette - 10/15/2023