Scripture Verses

Luke 1-9; Acts 1:8; Ephesians 3:16, 20-21; Romans 1:4, 16; 8:11, 35-39

Study Questions

  1. Share a time when you went from student to apprentice, from observer to doer.
  2. Read Luke 9:1-10. After two years of Jesus teaching and modeling ministry for the Twelve, we come to a new phase. In what ways has Jesus prepared them for this first short-term mission without him? How must they have felt about this mission when starting and then when completed?
  3. Read Luke 9:10-17. How did the disciples attempt to handle dinner plans? What did they overlook? What was Jesus' teaching through this?
  4. Why does Jesus begin telling his disciples of his coming death (9:22, 44) and determine to head for Jerusalem in verse 51?
  5. Read Luke 9:21-27. Jesus' call to follow involves costs that reveal our values and our hearts. Are you devoted to God's Kingdom or more often split in your allegiances? What will help you stay loyal to Jesus and his kingdom?
  6. Read Isaiah 52:13-53:12. Sometimes called the fifth Gospel, what does this passage reveal about the cost of Jesus' mission to seek and save the lost? How do you think this passage affected Jesus when he read it? How does it affect you?

Jesus Revealed: His Deliverance

Dr. Jon Morrissette - 10/8/2023