Scripture Verses

Revelation 3:2, Acts 11 & 13; Matthew 9:35-38

Study Questions

1. What is it like to be led by an incompetent leader? What do you think it might be like to be led by a perfect leader?
2. How did you do on the commitment you made last week as you continue to allow scripture to transform you?
3. Read Acts 13 together and then choose a volunteer to summarize in a minute or less. Others in the group may add anything missed.
4. Where is the Holy Spirit mentioned in Chapter 13? What was the Spirit doing at each mention?
5. If the Spirit were to call on you, how available would you be? To whom would you feel most called to serve? How does the Holy Spirit speak and send today? How do you allow the Spirit to lead you?
6. What are the basic facts or the foundation of the Gospel? (verses 16-41) What facts of the Gospel do you personally want to know more about?
7. What is something specific and measurable you can do this week to align yourself with the priorities found in this section of God's Word?

Unfinished: Our Spirit-Driven Calling

Dr. Jon Morrissette - 1/12/2025