Scripture Verses

Acts 10; 15; James 2:10; Romans 3:20;

Study Questions

1. Share a time in your life when you were excluded or when you have seen others left out.

2. How did you do on the commitment you made last week as you continue to allow scripture to transform you?

3. Read Acts 15:1-35 together and then choose a volunteer to summarize in a minute or less. Others in the group may add anything missed.

4. What did the Christian Jews from Judea try to add to the gospel (15:1 & 5)? Why would this be an obstacle for the Gentiles to receive the gospel message? What steps did the disciples take in response? In what ways was the Holy Spirit evident in this response?

5. How do we learn about and celebrate victories in settings different from ours? Where do you see the Holy Spirit at work in these situations?

6. What are the unbiblical barriers that we may impose on others? What might we expect of new Christians that is unreasonable? Who have you not shared the Gospel with because you assumed they were unable to be saved?

7. What is something specific and measurable you can do this week to align yourself with the priorities found in this section of God's Word?

Unfinished: Jesus is for Everyone, Everywhere. No, Seriously...

Dr. Jon Morrissette - 1/26/2025