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Guest Services

Some specific opportunities include:

Guest Reception:

Who: Front Door Greeter, Lobby Connector, Usher, Communion Table Prep

When: During Scheduled Services

Where: Lakeside front doors, main lobby, and worship auditorium

Why: To create a welcoming atmosphere where guests and regular attenders feel seen and wanted

What: What: Each job has different responsibilities, but all are centered on making others feel welcome and accepted at Lakeside

Coffee Bar:

Who: Individuals that will prepare coffe and greet guests

When: On Sunday mornings as scheduled

Where: Coffee Bar in the lobby

Why: To help set the atmosphere and allow guests to connect through coffee

What: Fosters a welcoming environment for our guests and church family by demonstrating good customer service skills: being polite, patient, encouraging and engaging with members and visitors while providing coffee for our guests

Opportunity Details:

Preference Area: Guest Care
Days of the Week: Sun
Role: Upfront
Include In Summary Report: No
